
Friday, September 20, 2019

Our Swamp Media Site!

For inquiry, we have four groups and they are online, television, press, and radio. I am in online and we are creating a site, here is the link: Swamp Media. Our site is going live next so make sure to check it out! Do you do inquiry?

My Western Video Essay

This term for literacy we have been focusing on genres and had to create a video essay. First, we had to write a script and get all to photos and videos then had to create it. We had to use a voiceover to explain what we know about the genre. What is your favorite movie genre?

Thursday, September 5, 2019


For the last couple of weeks, we have been working on our division and have had to do word problems. Here are the word problems I did and how I worked them out! What is your favourite subject?

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Is Dash super?

In one of our sessions for inquiry, we had to create a newspaper front page about a superhero. I chose to do mine on Dash from the Incredibles and if he is actually super. Who's your favorite superhero?

Different types of comedy

This term for literacy we have been working on the different types of genres and what the conventions of each are. Here are Hana and I's slide on the different types of comedy.
What is your favorite type of comedy?