
Friday, October 16, 2020

Leaders trip to Papanui!

 Hi Bloggers,

Welcome to term 4! For the first two days of this term, the 2020 leaders at our school travelled to Papanui and for two days to do a day camp to learn about the habits of effective people. This sounded boring when we first got told but when we got into it and started to understand it wasn't too bad, Jeremy, this was our instructor. 

The seven habits are:

Be proactive, stay calm and look at the positive side, your the driver not the passenger.

Begin with the end in mind, think about the bigger picture and how little things might affect other things.

Put first things first, do your bigger tasks first not the little ones otherwise you will run out of time.

Think win-win, don't always make things fair, just make sure all people win one way or another.

Seek first to understand then to be understood, try to hear with the intent to listen not to reply.

Synergize, everything is better together, demonstrate good problem-solving skills.

Here are some pictures from some of the activities to demonstrate the habits: